Beingcert Certified Information System Security Manager Certification is an security professional who defines the architecture by managing,and designing overall enterprise information system security.
Exam Code:- CISSM03
Beingcert® Certified Information System Security Manager Certification is an experienced security professional who defines the architecture by managing, designing and overseeing overall enterprise information system security. This includes risk management, information security etc. Beingcert® Certified Information System Security Manager credential holders must have Code of Professional Ethics and must possess at least five years of security experience.
This certification will help you to distinguish yourself in terms of advanced skills, knowledge and experience in the development and management of information security program. It demonstrates the understanding of the relationship between an information security program and broader business goals, and its objectives. It ensures that candidate has a career progression, will provide a valuable delivery to the enterprises by identifying critical issues and customizing company-specific practices to support the governance of information & other related technologies.
Many companies across a wide range of industries value the Certified Information System Security Manager and actively seek out experts to fill Certified Information System Security Manager roles.